Newsletter August 2014

Youngsters that stay away

The question of why so many youngsters stay behind is regularly asked to use pigeon veterinarians by pigeon breeders. There are colleagues who want to have all the answers and say they know exactly the absolute cause. That is nonsense in my eyes. There is no single cause, there are several reasons for this. Old friends like clear skies and easterly winds, and also those inversion can be quite though among the youngsters in an unguarded moment. But there are other causes. If we look at the diseases that play a role, there are multiple to mention. Again, there are again some old acquaintances such as heavy cancer infections, respiratory infections, and also the "coli". But this is what too general and too easy.

Personally, we believe that the herpesvirus plays a significant role in the loss of the youngsters. And it is not directly then at least indirectly. Since we have to vaccinate against this disease, which according to the books has to be done twice. There is a clear trend that the pigeons who are vaccinated do not get lost that often.

The question remains whether this is purely caused by the Herpes vaccination or the fact that it vaccinates in this way also twice against paramyxovirus (as intended is), as this plays a major, or perhaps greater role. To rule that out we should look at people who only vaccinated twice against salmonella as the leaflet prescribes. But the vast majority of those who vaccinated only do this once, because it is simply a "must".


Anyway, as I said, we clearly see a reduced loss of the youngsters by the pigeons that are double vaccinated against the herpes virus. This is just a given. But even by double vaccinated birds the losses can be considerable. In addition, we often establish a significant presence of "the bully bacteria '. Both last year and this year usually the losses stop after a cure against this bacteria. 

On a personal basis I report that I still suspect that radiation is not as innocent for pigeons as people claim (those who have an interest in this). The dependence of radiation equipment that produces or is subject to radiation is so big that it is a given that we will have to deal with. We can not change much.

At the beginning of this century, I read an article in which German doctors had determined that there is more risk of leukemia in children when they live near radiation masts. Means of research Quite shocking. But then almost nothing happens. Indeed, the number of masts rose and is only increasing. A price we have to pay for evolution.

All in all, there are a number of factors to mention whether or not just cause problems for the pigeons, which ensure that they do not know to find the way home. Against some factors it is possible to take action. Against others less.


As known probiotics are the so-called 'good intestinal bacteria. Prebiotics are referred to as the substances that help the good intestinal bacteria help it grow. We distinguish species-specific probiotics and probiotics from other species. The species-specific probiotics occur in the species concerned. The advantage of providing these probiotics is that they nestle in the intestine. The other probiotics do have a positive influence in the intestine but are much more excreted with the feces.
Many pigeon breeders ask me the question whether the provision of probiotics is needed. The answer is simple. On water and feed the pigeons can live well. But a racing pigeon must be able to deliver a optimum performance. In order to achieve this, the circumstances have to be more than optimal. Probiotics are good intestine bacteria. As long as these are majority in the intestine, pathogenic and other more harmful intestinal bacteria have less opportunity. It is a matter of competition. As the intestinal flora is getting stronger the disease has no chance.

Providing probiotics therefore falls under the heading of preventive health care. In addition, probiotics are important to give after giving antibiotics, to get the intestinal flora level back up again. Antibiotics destroy not only the poor and pathogenic bacteria but also the good intestinal flora. If a rapid recovery, after a necessary antibiotic treatment, is desired then give probiotics to contribute to this.


In this month’s Topwings I have written an article on smallpox. We she smallpox, especially this year, more and more. The real pronounced cases where the pigeons complete 'encroachment' we fortunately see less. In the time that the Ovo-Peristerin was available it seemed like less smallpox occurred.
Smallpox have an incubation period of about 6-20 days. This means that pigeons, even if they have no symptoms, can still be be carriers of the virus. This means that these birds once they are basketed, even if they have no symptoms, can infected the other pigeons in the baskets. Every pigeon breeder who has a case of smallpox in his/her loft should therefore not put any pigeons into the baskets, as a collegiate consideration, knowing that there may be a possibility of spread. Once an emergency vaccination has taken place and in about 10 days after there where no new cases of smallpox then it is fairly safe with regard to the spread of the virus. In an emergency vaccination already infected pigeons can quickly start showing symptoms.

I prefer to vaccinate pigeons by injections. This will cause no grafting reaction on the leg or chest so that the probability of the occurrence of vaccinations smallpox is smaller too.
Sometimes after about 2 weeks we get a call of smallpox after vaccination. It is then usually only a few pox and often then even in the mouth. The reaction that this recently available vaccination can show can be violently. Ourselves we do not suggest to apply to the chest. A pigeon breeder once had such a strong grafting reaction that several pigeons left wings mounting.


The prices of the new year are made in the moulting period . The construction of the new plumage requires optimal care. In the ideal situation a checkup takes place after the last flight to monitor the health of the pigeons. Any cancer infections are eliminated and then all the attention can focus on the big moulting. To support this moult a numerous resources are available. A cheap but not bad approach is to provide a cure (one week) of tea to help clean the body. An alternative for this could be the Bony Base T (inctuur). This product is fairly new but has already taken a firm place in our range. It contains the ingredients of many herbs that contribute to the cleansing of the body complemented with powerful antioxidants. Basic T can also be provided for a week. A good additional support during the moult may consist of BMT, Bonychol or Sedochol and moulting vitamins. This combination should help optimize the pigeons moult. (This month we offer this moulting combination for €55 -; Moulting vitamins, Bonychol, BMT and Base T)

Good Luck!

Peter Boskamp